
Build Meaningful Relationships on Social Media

Blog posted On November 25, 2014

Do you have a Facebook or LinkedIn account but are not sure you’re getting the most out of it? Build lasting and meaningful relationships through social media with these helpful tips.
Once you’ve spent time on the basics by setting up your profile, connecting with your friends and colleagues, it’s time to dig further. After all, if you’re simply connected to someone but have no further communication, what have you really accomplished?
Timing is Everything.
Every new connection, introduction, referral, answered question, or comment on your status update is an opportunity to initiate a conversation and get your name out there!  Ask a question, give a referral, ask for a referral, say thank you, or simply ‘like’ relevant status updates. All of these interactions can lead to phone calls, ongoing dialogue, in-person meetings and new business. This most basic interaction shows you are more than just a profile; you are also a true professional established in the industry.
Leverage Events.
Between local, national and international associations, there seems to be an event happening nearly every day. Make sure you are following organizations that you belong to or want to know more about. They almost always post their events leading up to the date to promote attendance. They will also usually post a recap of the event afterwards with pictures you can tag yourself in.
Reference the events you plan to attend with your social network to make sure you are attending events that best fit your goals. Reach out to key connections before the event to let them know you are attending and looking forward to the opportunity to speak with them.
Go beyond just listening by engaging with your audience as a resource. Comment on status updates, discussion topics and questions from your connections with relevant insight frequently. Post a unique article or blog post that establishes your knowledge of the field. You can also send a user a more detailed message privately with additional tips and information that may help advice them with the details they have requested.
Building meaningful and professional relationships will help grow your business on an entirely new level. You will be able to maintain a further reach in the industry, develop a strong reputation in your field, and establish yourself as a truly knowledgeable professional all just by engaging and increasing your connections via social media.