
Got a Spare Room Now? Here's How to Use It

Blog posted On September 04, 2015

Maybe you had a child move away to college or you upgraded your home. Either way, if you have a spare room now, chances are you can’t decide what to do with it. Here are some ideas to get you started:
1. Gym – Now you finally have room for that stationary bike you’ve been eyeballing. Or rather than having dumbbells spread throughout your house just begging to be tripped over, you can keep all of your weights and bands and equipment in one location. Grab a fan, some mats, and organize your equipment. You are all set!
2. Library – For all you bookworms out there, this has probably already crossed your mind. But turning that spare room into a library is now a possibility. Whether you go for floor-to-ceiling shelves or smaller pieces, find a unique and fun way to store your collection. Add some soft but good reading light, some comfortable chairs and a small table for your drink and snacks. Next thing you know, you won’t have left that room for ages!
3. Home Office – Stop working at the kitchen table or surrounded by distractions. Use that extra space to build yourself a quiet zone dedicated for working. A small desk, chair, and some shelves are all you need to get started. You can build it up and perfect the space over time but we are sure a space to call your own will greatly improve your productivity and help stress levels.
4. Pet Play Area – Have your kids left to explore the world but you still have your “furry children” at home? Turn an old bedroom into a pet playroom. Cat trees, toys, beds, pillows, blankets, and the like all will give your pet the space it deserves to live a pampered life.
5. Guest Bedroom – If none of these more eccentric ideas are hitting a chord, you can always stick with the tried-and-true guest bedroom. A little paint, some new bed coverings, and neutral but cozy artwork can make the room look brand new. No more sticking the guests on the couch (unless you really want to). Now you can invite out-of-town friends over for a comfortable weekend!
A spare room can be used in a variety of ways. Figure out what will be most useful to you and go with it. Have fun with it! This could be a project that ends up making you feel like you have a whole new home because of a simple renovation!