
Tricks to Gallery Walls

Blog posted On September 24, 2015

You have probably seen those highlights in magazines of a room where one wall is a beautiful collage of artwork and photography. Maybe you have even tried to recreate that yourself with the end result looking closer to a three-year-old’s failed attempt at “decorating.” How do the pros manage to create a masterpiece through a simple but elegant gallery wall? Let’s take a look.
Best Pieces – The best pieces are those with straight edges. They are easier to work with when creating a gallery wall because it is easier to line up other frames or images next to each other whereas rounded frames or mirrors or pictures can potentially create a more difficult layout. But if rounded edges are your thing, embrace it and use the following tricks below to create your own gallery wall.
Hanging Art – What are you hanging? Is your focus on frames or pictures? The best gallery walls are usually a nice mixture of many different items. From frames to mirrors, colorful artwork to old photographs, these eclectic pieces brought together can create an eye-catching finish.
Matching or Varied? – While some of the more chic gallery walls are generally based on a similar style, this doesn’t mean you can’t add a touch of your personality and have some variables included. Many people choose to focus on the same frame style and color when creating their gallery wall and varying the images placed in the frames.
Spacing – Generally, closely hung artwork is best for a gallery. Too much space between frames or photographs can create an unfinished look.
Blueprint – Before you start nailing everything into the wall, lay it out on your floor. Not only will you get a better idea of what it will look like as a final piece, but you’ll be able to better gauge how big it will end up being, and if it will actually fit!
Biggest First – Start with the biggest pieces. From there, work your way to the smallest pieces to fill in space between the larger frames or photographs. In doing this, you are allowing the gallery to remain organized but also concise in space.
Empty Frames – Do you love the idea of building your own gallery wall but don’t want to potentially make your small living space look crowded? For those living in apartments or smaller spaces (usually in big cities), many have opted for a gallery wall of empty frames. It might sound a bit strange but the finished product is a wall of elegancy that brings that much-needed touch of personality to a small space.
Most of all have fun with this. Gallery wall styles are vast and varied. Play with it over time and add new pieces as life goes on. Whether this becomes a statement wall in your living room or a personal reflections wall in your bedroom, it should make you proud and enhance your home. Follow these tricks to creating a gallery wall that would impress a pro while adding your own touches and ideas.