
Tips for Conserving Water

Blog posted On May 22, 2015

Water conservation is important no matter where you live. California is currently in the middle of a record statewide drought forcing residents to take drastic measures to cut back on water usage. Here are some tips to follow when conserving water throughout the nation.
Water efficient appliances – Investing in energy efficient appliances can reduce your water usage by gallons each day. Energy efficient appliances limit the amount of water used in washing dishes or clothes to the appropriate amount. Whereas old appliances use a significant amount more water, newer appliances are better for the environment, and your bills!
Be mindful when cooking – Use smaller pots when cooking to avoid overfilling with water. Use leftover water to start a nutritious soup.
Replace showerheads – Old showerheads can spray water at a faster and more intense pressure than newer ones. Replacing an old showerhead can save you gallons of water each time you take a shower.
Water plants – We all want to water our plants to keep them alive and healthy. Rather than using fresh water, take water from pet bowls you need to refresh to keep them quenched. Water your lawn only a couple times a week and never right after it rains.
Shorter showers – Timing your showers is a great way to become more aware of exactly how much time you spend letting water literally run down the drain. Turn off the stream of water when you are shampooing your hair or shaving. These are examples of times it is unnecessary to keep water running.
Washing dishes – Don’t let water run as you wash dishes in the sink. Fill up one side of your sink with water for washing and the other for rinsing. This avoids water from running for an extended period of time.
Prevent wasteful water usage by following the above tips. All are easy to adjust to and can make a huge difference.