
Business Tip: Start Your Morning Off Right

Blog posted On April 28, 2015

Mornings can be rough. Getting set up for a successful and productive day can be tricky. Here are some tips for starting your morning off right that will carry through the day:
Eat Breakfast – Fueling up will help keep you focused and energized for a busy day. Don’t skimp. Try to avoid sugary foods or drinks to prevent a crash later. A healthy, hearty breakfast is a great way to get your day rolling.
Brew Tea or Coffee – While you are at it, brew a cup of your favorite tea or coffee. These caffeinated boosters will jumpstart your alertness as well as make you smile. Indulging in a cup of something you enjoy in the mornings starts your day off on the right foot.
Read a Motivational Quote – Need some extra motivation? Reading an inspirational or motivational quote can keep you focused on tasks at hand. It can also help you take a step back and look at the big picture. Too often we get caught up in the small things but reading a quote to start your day can put things in perspective.
Stretch – Relax your muscles and awaken your limbs with some stretching. Whether you go for a stretching period at home or some loosening moves at your desk, stretching also helps wake you up and work out those kinks.
Drink a Glass of Water – Your body absolutely needs water. So why not start off the day with a tall glass? Giving your body the nutrients it needs keeps it running smoothly all day. Don’t just stop at one glass. Always have water within reach to keep you hydrated. Hydration also helps prevent sleepiness and headaches.
Breathe Deeply – Much like stretching, breathing deeply helps relax your body and trains your mind to focus. It can be used to kickoff your day or help you remain calm during stressful situations.
Prioritize – Know the most important things that need to get done during the day and make those a priority. Write them down and cross them off as they are completed. Although many things can crop up during the day that can derail your plans, having a clearly laid out plan will help keep you on track, or get back on track if necessary.
Arrive on Time – Nothing can throw a wrench in your productive day like arriving late. Showing up at the office on time is essential for keeping up with deadlines as well as ensuring your day gets off to the right start.
Respond to Urgent Requests – It is natural to be inundated with urgent requests at the start of your day. Answer phone calls and emails in a timely manner and then head back to your list of priorities. This system allows you to remain on top of important projects while at the same time keeping you focused and organized at your job as a whole. Maintain your sanity by having a plan!
Plan Your Breaks – And finally, one of the most important aspects of a productive day: your breaks. While skipping your breaks and lunchtime might seem like a smart move to get caught up or get more work done, you are actually setting yourself up for failure. Your body cannot function over an extended period of time without the proper breaks and refueling. Getting in a healthy meal, maybe some exercise, and a mental timeout can be the reboot you need to succeed during the afternoon. Plan your breaks in the morning, let people know when you will be stepping out, and stick to it.
Follow these tips to establish a productive day. Not only will your morning kick off on a positive note, but also your day will follow in the same way.