
Tips for the Best BBQ

Blog posted On July 02, 2015

The Fourth of July weekend is here and that means barbecues across America will be fired up and loaded with meats and veggies. Whether you’re cooking for you, your family, or the entire neighborhood, check out these BBQ tips that will be sure to make your meal come out just right. Grab those aprons, tongs, and platters let’s get started!
Marinade – Many cooks will agree that a good marinade is the key to a successful BBQ. A minimum of a few hours to an overnight marinade allows the meat to soak up flavor and spices that will be brought out through cooking. Different meats require different marinades so do your research to learn more about what is best for what you are cooking.
Slow and Steady – You’ve probably heard it before, but slow and steady really does win the race. No matter what, do not rush the cook. Cooking at a lower temperature allows the meat to cook evenly and gradually. This results in a great outer layer paired with a juicy interior. No more burnt skins and rare middles when you adopt this practice!
Gas vs. Coal – People prefer different barbecues for different reasons. Gas burners generally gives you more control over the heat being applied to your food while charcoal gives off that true grilled and slight coal taste to your meal. These days, barbecues come in a wide variety of styles and features so be sure to shop around before making your final decision.
Clean Grill – Start with a clean slate. No one wants the residue of your last BBQ on today’s meal. Clean your grill thoroughly with an approved cleaner. Or try heating up the grill just a bit and rubbing either a half an onion or a lemon over the metal parts to clean the area in a completely natural way.
Right Temperature – Cooking at the right temperature is key. A grill too hot can overcook your meat before you realize it while a grill too cool can result in undercooked meat, which is never safe. Attach a thermometer inside your barbecue if one is not already installed to appropriately monitor the temperature you are cooking at.
All About That Rub – Right up there with marinades are rubs. Rubbing meat down with herbs and spices is extremely popular and creates an exceptionally flavorful meal. Local grocery stores sell prepackaged rubs. But check out recipes online or create your own at home. Trying new rubs can be fun as you learn what works well together.
Test for Doneness – The final step in completing the ultimate barbecued meal. Checking to see if your meat is done exactly to your liking is easy by using what is referred to as the touch test to determine if your meat is rare, medium, or well done. This can be done by feeling the fleshy, fatty part of your hand between your thumb and the base of your hand (the part directly above your wrist). Touch your pinky finger to your thumb. Feel the fatty portion of your hand. You will notice this area has become taught. If your meat feels like this, it is well done. Follow the guide below:
Pinky finger to thumb – well done.
Ring finger to thumb – medium.
Middle finger to thumb – medium rare.
Pointer finger to thumb – rare.
Enjoy a safe holiday weekend grilling up some delicious treats using these tips!