
Conference Follow Up

Blog posted On April 21, 2015

Last week, we discussed how to prepare for work conferences in order to get the most out of them. While the preparation beforehand is important, so is the follow up. Here are five steps to take to make your conference work for you even after the closing speaker is finished.
Organize Notes – Organizing your notes allows you to go over key topics discussed during the conference. Especially if the event lasted for multiple days, revisiting notes is a great reminder of important discussions.
Go Through All Materials – Many conferences distribute a plethora of materials as you walk through hallways or enter rooms. Keep track of all of these even if you do not have the time to read them in detail at the moment. Going through the materials later can provide you with even more useful information.
Reach Out to Connections – Conferences are a great place to network. Did you collect a nice stack of business cards? Take these and follow up with emails or connection requests on LinkedIn. Do not let these connections fall to the wayside. You obviously have things in common with these people since you attended the same conference. Networking is an important part of your career so make sure to put those business cards to use!
Download the Recording – Some conferences record the entire event for attendees to download at a future date. Make sure you download and archive this recording. You never know when you will need to revisit what your favorite speaker said on a topic.
Put Advice to Use – Advice will be thrown at you quickly during conferences. By taking notes and going over materials distributed, you can remember the different ideas passed to you and put them to good use. Whether it is advice on how to handle an overflowing email inbox, dealing with sales phone calls, or preparing a professional and attention-grabbing presentation, the advice given out in conferences can really push your career forward.
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